The Potty Adventure: Dry All Night

When Yui was around 2 1/2 years old, our adventure with potty training began. As I mentioned in a previous post, it was a pretty easy transition for us when we knew that she was ready for it. As we go along the journey, she really improved from learning how to say when she wants to go to being able to go on long travels without a nappy.

It was around March last year when she started going on long trips to Lingayen, Pangasinan (almost a 5 hour ride) without a nappy. Apart from her own development, the family also learned from the whole experience. We learned to adjust to her (bladder) needs, and anticipated the times when she needed to go. We can’t leave the house without going to the restroom first so that she can empty her bladder before a trip. We also had to have stop overs since kids have smaller capacity especially when they have drinks during the trip. All these efforts were rewarded with successful travels and happy baby and parents 🙂

The only thing we were not able to remove yet was the overnight nappy. My mom was pretty scared to have accidents at night and to have a stinky bed (hehe!) so we kept the nappies on whenever Yui goes to sleep. For the past several weeks however, we noticed that her nappies have been dry in the morning. I thought she’s already ready for an all-nighter.

I found my chance 2 weekends ago when we went on a family trip in the far south and forgot to bring nappies for the night sleep. So I had no choice but to just let her go pee before sleeping and then pray that she would not have an accident in the rented villa’s bed. And she didn’t! Weeee! I extended the streak at home and was successful. We put the nappy back on though after 2 nights just to be safe but still it was dry in the morning. The following night, Yui insisted to just wear panties at night and junked the nappy altogether. She’s been dry and clean ever since. We’ve been successful for a week now and I’m really hoping that this will go on for good.

I’m so proud of my little one since we didn’t really force it on her and she just asserted this all by herself. Way to go! 🙂

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